Catholic Continuing Education Courses, Essays/Video, Introduction to the Theology of the Catholic Mass, Worship & PraxisOctober 12, 2023Introduction to the Theology of the Catholic Mass (Webinar)
Essays/Video, Podcasts, The Contemplative Dominican Rosary, VideosOctober 12, 2023The Luminous Mysteries of the Contemplative Dominican Rosary
Essays/Video, Podcasts, The Contemplative Dominican Rosary, VideosOctober 11, 2023The Glorious Mysteries of the Contemplative Dominican Rosary
Essays/Video, Podcasts, The Contemplative Dominican Rosary, VideosOctober 10, 2023The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Contemplative Dominican Rosary
Essays/Video, Podcasts, The Contemplative Dominican Rosary, VideosOctober 9, 2023The Joyful Mysteries of the Contemplative Dominican Rosary
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AOctober 7, 2023The Liturgy is the Fertile Ground, and We are the Harvest (27th Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, Worship & PraxisOctober 4, 2023SHOCKING NEW STUDY! Only 49% of Catholics Believe in the Holy Eucharist
Catholic Theology, Church History, Essays/Video, Moral TheologyOctober 2, 2023Why the Death Penalty is No Longer Justifiable: A Comprehensive Analysis
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AOctober 1, 2023Liturgical Worship is us Taking Personal Responsibility for Our Life (26th Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, Worship & PraxisSeptember 27, 2023The Ancient Secret of Worship That the Modern Church Has Forgotten!
Essays/Video, Worship & PraxisSeptember 25, 2023The Shocking Truth: Why You’ve Been Praying the ‘Our Father’ Wrong All Along!
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ASeptember 24, 2023The Liturgy is Forming Us to Have a Holy Indifference (25th Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomSeptember 22, 2023Father Hellnaw Exorcizes a Demon | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Catholic Theology, Church History, Essays/VideoSeptember 20, 2023The Easter Controversy and the Rise of Carolingian Power
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ASeptember 16, 2023The Liturgical Teaching on the Relationship Between Sin and Forgiveness (24th Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Courses, Essays/VideoSeptember 14, 2023DISCUSSION COURSE: Return to the Sacred (Dispelling of Darkness in the World)
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ASeptember 9, 2023The Liturgy is Building a Culture and a Community of Mercy, Love, and Healing (23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomSeptember 8, 2023Catholic Answers Live: Father Hellnaw Answers Pachamama | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Church History, Essays/Video, Sacramental TheologySeptember 5, 2023The Real Presence Controversy: A Clash of Theologies in the 9th Century
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ASeptember 2, 2023How the Liturgy Trains Us to Make Ourselves a Living Sacrifice (22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Church History, Essays/Video, Worship & PraxisAugust 28, 2023How the Carolingian Liturgy Promoted and Preserved Frankish Culture
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AAugust 27, 2023The Liturgical Teaching on the Two Types of People (21st Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomAugust 25, 2023Father Hellnaw Teaches How to Receive Holy Communion | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Church History, Essays/VideoAugust 21, 2023The Mysterious Abductions of Two Popes Who Opposed Freemasonry
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AAugust 20, 2023The Liturgical Teaching on the Catholicity of God (20th Sunday in Ordinary Time) – Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AAugust 13, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass is Forming us to Have No Fear of the World (19th Sunday in Ordinary Time) – Year A
Church History, Essays/VideoAugust 8, 2023Learning from Saint Dominic: How to Imitate His Virtues and Mission
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomAugust 5, 2023Father Hellnaw Fires the Altar Girls | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJuly 29, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass Creates in us a Servant’s Heart (17th Sunday of OT) – Year A
Free E-BooksJuly 26, 2023Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 (Vol. 1 – 10)
Essays/Video, FreemasonryJuly 25, 2023The Hidden Dangers of Freemasonry: A Comprehensive Resource Guide
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJuly 22, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass is the Best Evidence of God’s Loving Patience (16th Sunday of OT) – Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomJuly 21, 2023Father Hellnaw Refuses to Start a Children’s Liturgy | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJuly 14, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass is the Rich Soil, and We are the Seeds (15th Sunday of OT) – Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJuly 7, 2023How the Liturgy Participates in Christ Jesus’ Call for the Conversion of Jews (14th Sunday of OT)- Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomJuly 4, 2023Father Hellnaw Preaches on Clapping in the Catholic Mass | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomJune 21, 2023President Joe Biden Has His Confession Heard by Father Hellnaw | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJune 18, 2023How the Liturgy Communicates God’s Mercy of Reminder and Mission (11th Sunday of Ordinary Time) – Year A
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomJune 13, 2023Traditional Catholic Priest Fr. Hellnaw FIRES All Eucharistic Ministers! | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Essays/Video, The Father Hellnaw SitcomJune 10, 2023Traditional Catholic Priest CANCELS the LGBT Outreach Ministry | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJune 8, 2023The Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) – Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Videos, Year AJune 3, 2023The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMay 28, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass Fulfills the Human Desire for Unity (Pentecost Sunday)
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMay 9, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass Prepares Us for the Coming Persecution (Sixth Sunday of Easter) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMay 6, 2023The Liturgy is not an Appeal to Diversity, but a Call to Oneness In Christ (Fifth Sunday of Easter) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AApril 30, 2023Through the Liturgy, our Lord Shepherds Us (Fourth Sunday of Easter) Year A
Church History, Essays/Video, Scripture & TraditionApril 27, 2023Why Only Catholics Can Be Called Christians According to the Bible
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AApril 22, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass is Unique, Exceptional, and Extraordinarily Transformative (Third Sunday of Easter) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AApril 16, 2023The Liturgy of the Church and Her Sacraments is God Being Merciful with Us (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year A, Year B, Year CApril 2, 2023The Liturgy Teaches Us that what Belongs to God, Stays with God (Palm Sunday Reflection)
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMarch 25, 2023The Liturgy Empowers and Equips us to Bring the Dead to Life (Fifth Sunday of Lent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMarch 18, 2023The Liturgy of the Mass is the Light in the World (Fourth Sunday of Lent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMarch 12, 2023The Teachings of the Liturgy Versus the Quarrelsome Spirit (Third Sunday of Lent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AMarch 8, 2023The Liturgy Wants Us to be Comfortably Uncomfortable (Second Sunday of Lent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AFebruary 24, 2023The Liturgy Teaches Us How to Resist Every Evil Temptation (First Sunday of Lent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AFebruary 18, 2023The Liturgical Teaching on the Imago Dei (Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AFebruary 12, 2023The Liturgy and the Law Share the Same Source and Purpose (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AFebruary 3, 2023In the Liturgy, we Consume the Light of the World, thereby Becoming the Light of the World (Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AJanuary 28, 2023The Liturgy Forms the Spirit of Humility in the Hearts of God’s Remnant People (Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AJanuary 21, 2023The Liturgy of the Catholic Mass: A Journey from Darkness to Light and Back Again (Third Sunday of Ordinary Time) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year AJanuary 13, 2023You Have Been Called to the Liturgy of the Holy Mass (Second Sunday of Ordinary Time) Year A
Podcasts, The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year A, Year B, Year CJanuary 6, 2023The Liturgy of the Holy Mass is the New Covenant Epiphany Event
Essays/Video, FreemasonryDecember 29, 2022How Freemasons Infiltrated and Corrupted the Catholic Church: A Historical and Theological Investigation
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year A, Year B, Year CDecember 29, 2022Through the Liturgy, we are Born Again (The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God)
Essays/Video, Moral & Social IssuesDecember 28, 2022Kwanzaa: A Pseudo-Religion that Opposes Catholicism
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ADecember 16, 2022The Theology of the Incarnation Through the Liturgy (Fourth Sunday of Advent) Year A
Church History, Essays/VideoDecember 16, 2022The Myth of Constantine’s Founding of the Catholic Church: A Historical and Theological Refutation
Church History, Essays/VideoDecember 16, 2022How Christmas and Easter Celebrate the Incarnation and Resurrection of Christ: A Response to the Pagan Origin Claim
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ADecember 9, 2022The Liturgy Comes to Make us New in Christ (Third Sunday of Advent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ADecember 7, 2022The Liturgical Teaching on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ADecember 2, 2022The Liturgy is for People Who Know Their Lives are Messy (Second Sunday of Advent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year ANovember 27, 2022The Four Holy Desires the Liturgy Teaches Us (First Sunday of Advent) Year A
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year CNovember 18, 2022The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year CNovember 9, 2022Through the Liturgy is How We Keep on Keeping on (33rd Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year CNovember 3, 2022The Liturgy is Creating in Us the Heart of a Martyr for Christ (32nd Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year A, Year B, Year CNovember 1, 2022The Solemnity of All Saints
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year COctober 27, 2022How the Liturgy Makes Us Worthy of Our Calling (31st Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year COctober 20, 2022How the Liturgy Offers a Perfect Model to Teach Humility (30th Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year COctober 13, 2022How the Liturgy Brings to Life the Scriptural Model of Cooperating with God (29th Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year COctober 6, 2022A Liturgy of Healing for Lepers (28th Sunday OT) Year C
The Liturgical Sense of the Readings at Mass, Year CSeptember 29, 2022How the Liturgy Builds Us Up in Fortitude (27th Sunday OT) Year C