Catholic Theology, Christology, Ecclesiology, Essays/Video, PneumatologyDecember 23, 2015The Catholic Church: Seven Historical Marks of Its Identity and Mission
Biblical Theology, Catholic Theology, Essays/VideoAugust 3, 2015The First and Last in the Genre of ‘Lost Brother’ Reconcilement Narratives
Catholic Theology, Christology, Essays/VideoMay 28, 2015How Pope Francis Presents Jesus to the World: A Christological Analysis
Catholic Theology, Essays/Video, SoteriologyMay 16, 2015The Salvation of Aliens: A Catholic Perspective on Extraterrestrial Life
Biblical Theology, Catholic Theology, Essays/VideoMay 6, 2015Moses’ Call: How God Chose and Equipped Him to Lead His People
Biblical Theology, Catholic Theology, Essays/VideoApril 22, 2015How God’s Grace Shines Through the Pentateuch
Essays/Video, FreemasonrySeptember 16, 2014The History and Impact of the 1738 Papal Bull Against Freemasonry
Catholic Philosophy, Essays/VideoFebruary 19, 2014Descartes and God: How the Father of Modern Philosophy Approached Metaphysics
Church History, Essays/VideoSeptember 11, 201338 Ridiculous and Blasphemous Teachings of Martin Luther: A Critical Analysis
UncategorizedJanuary 23, 2013On the Current Shape, Content, and Order of the Old Testament Canon – as an Approach to Halakah
Biblical Theology, Essays/VideoAugust 25, 2012How Mary is the Ark of the Covenant: A Biblical and Theological Reflection