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The Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry: A Lecture Series on Freemasonry Through the Light of Catholicism

Do you want to discover the truth about Freemasonry and its opposition to the Catholic Church? Do you want to understand why the Church has always condemned this secret society and why Catholics cannot join it? Do you want to see how the Masonic philosophy contradicts Christ and His Church? Then you need this course! It will reveal to you the hidden dangers of Freemasonry and how to protect yourself and your family from them.


This course will explore the historical and philosophical foundations of Freemasonry, as well as its relationship with religion and the Catholic Church. You will learn about the meaning and symbolism of the three degrees of Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. You will also examine the various documents issued by the popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that condemn Freemasonry and its teachings. Finally, you will analyze how Freemasonry fits into the current global scenario of the great reset or the reordering of the world.


This course is available in video or audio format for logged-in and registered members. If available for this course, download a PowerPoint presentation with all the key points and references.


The course will cover the following topics: the origins and structure of Freemasonry, the religious dimension of Freemasonry, the three craft lodge degrees of Freemasonry, and the papal and magisterial documents on Freemasonry, such as In Eminenti (1738), Providas Romanorum (1751), Etsi Multa (1873), Humanum Genus (1884), Officio Sanctissimo (1887), Dall’alto dell’Apostolicio Seggio (1890), Custodi Di Quella Fede (1892), Inimica Vis (1892), Praeclara Gratulationis (1894), the 1917 Canon Law, the 1983 Canon Law, and Quaesitum Est.


No materials are required, but having a copy of my book, ‘The Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry,’ will assist you greatly as that book will be my jumping-off point to dive deeper into the subject matter.

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