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Essayist Guidelines & Submissions


Thank you for being so interested in writing for Saint Dominic’s Media. At this time, we are accepting inquiries for columnist positions. 

Our Mission

The mission of Saint Dominic’s Media is to acquire, develop, produce, market, and distribute works of non-fiction and fiction that reflect the Dominican spirit of a life devoted to liturgical prayer, the study of sacred truth, and zeal for the salvation of souls, for an audience that is seeking a richer, deeper spiritual life while living in the world.

The Essays We Publish

Therefore, in the context of our published essays, we are interested in advancing prose that seeks to enliven our readers to pursue Christ and His truth more deeply. We are publishing essays on the subjects of theology, liturgy, culture, and apologetics, but only within the framework of Catholic history. In other words, an essay on some aspect of defending the Catholic faith must also include some historical context about a heresy, theological development, or a cultural incident.

We are not looking for reactionary articles, short personal blog-type posts, or empirical-based reflections. Essays submitted should reflect the mission of Saint Dominic’s Media, as well as be thoughtful, mature, and compelling. Essays should be at least 800 to 5,500 words in length.

In addition:

  • All submitted work must be completely original and fully written by the author
  • Articles must be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • We ask that you actively promote your work by sharing and interacting with our readers
  • Absolutely no plagiarism

The Advantage of Publishing at Saint Dominic’s Media

  • An expansive social media network and mailing list to publicize your work.
  • Compensation for Popular essays. For essays that reach the first level of 2,000 total unique views within the first 45 days from the date published, we do compensate our authors with an honorarium (starting at $15 for the first level of social-media exposure).
  • Conversion of your essay into audio, which makes it easier to consume for those who do not have time to read.
  • Artificial Intelligence Enhancement for your Title and added Info Boxes, which gives depths and retention of your content.
  • Original Thumbnails, which makes your essay more attractive than Google images.

Interested in Writing for Us?

Email your essay to for our review. It should be at least 800 words and include a 40-word excerpt that succinctly explains why your essay matters. If this is your first time writing for us, please include your bio, a headshot photo, and any links to your website or social media account that you would like to be linked to your writer’s profile here.

Expect a response regarding your submission within five days. Please do not contact us to check on the status of the review of your submission.

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