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Return to the Sacred: A Discussion Course on the Dispelling of Darkness in the World
Return to the Sacred: A Discussion Course on the Dispelling of Darkness in the World
'The Remnant are Strengthened by the Sacred,' by Ann Faran

The Remnant are
Strengthened by the Sacred
Ann Faran

Do you long for the sacred in your life? Do you want to witness the miraculous signs of God’s love and mercy? Join Ann Faran as she explores the stunning visions of the Blessed Mother Mary, who reveals the hidden mysteries and the glorious destiny of the Remnant of the faithful. This lesson will fill your heart with awe and gratitude for God’s plan.
  1. Which apparitions of the Virgin Mary help you connect more deeply with the sense of the sacred?
  2. How impactful was Ann Faran’s positive tone about the efficacy of singing to the choir?
  3. How can internal strife over valid liturgies help and harm our pursuit of the sacred?

Ann Faran’s Bio:

Mary K. Farran was born in Wichita, Kansas and educated in Catholic schools. Prior to graduation from Jesuit Rockhurst College in Kansas City, she entered a cloistered Carmelite Monastery and took the religious name of Sister Anne of Yahweh, OCD. In 2011, after thirty-three happy years, she was astonished to experience a “call within a call,” to use an expression coined by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who thus described her own experience of understanding that God was asking her to leave her beloved congregation to found a new congregation with a new apostolate. Sister Anne discerned carefully with her Prioress, Archbishop, and her Sisters. All were unanimous that she should move forward with this inspiration.

In this call, Sister Anne understood that she was to encourage Christians with the messages of Mary and to promote the Rule for a new religious Order of the Mother of God, which Mary had dictated to Melanie at La Salette in 1846. After verifying that such a Rule existed, she received two years’ training in an active congregation, namely, the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. Her exclaustration having expired, she received laicization from the Vatican to free her for an apostolic life, so now she is a “Sister” in quotation marks until she can make vows and wear the OMD habit.

After a brief sojourn in France, she obtained the authentic text of the Rule of the Mother of God, then moved back to her home diocese of Wichita, placing herself under the direction of Fr. Bernard Gorges, founder of the “Totus Tuus” Catholic youth program. Father urged her to set up an internet presence and give talks on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her talks are found on the MarianNews YouTube channel. Presently, she’s expanding her House-of-Mary-OMD dot org website. Her most popular series is what Mary has said about the Apocalypse.

Since early 2016, she has been working with lay-helpers, who call themselves “Theotokans” to develop various aspects of the apostolate of the future Order of the Mother of God because the Rule regards lay members as essential to the charism.

She is sojourning now as a guest in a diocese in the northern midwest and hopes to welcome novices very soon into the first convent of the Order of the Mother of God.

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