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Saint Dominic's Media Podcasts
Saint Dominic's Media Podcasts
Keys to Making and Keeping Covenant Marriage with John Louis ThM

In this captivating lesson, John Louis, ThM delves into the concept of lifelong marriage as a sacramental journey of service, exploring how to sustain such a commitment amidst the challenges and triumphs that naturally test and strengthen it.

Drawing from his book ‘A Three-Ply Cord,’ the lesson aims to foster an appreciation for the values of a free, faithful, fruitful, and lifelong union between a man and a woman, at a time when societal definitions and legal formalizations of relationships are evolving, and participation in such unions has fallen below 50% of the population.

John Louis has been a devoted husband and father for 45 years. He earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Ohio Dominican University and a Master of Education from the University of Phoenix. With over four decades of teaching experience, he is a seasoned professional instructor.

He maintains a weblog at, where he merges Catholic theology with a zeal for citizenship, providing insights on nurturing and expanding a faithful community at local, state, and national levels. An enthusiastic sailor, he emulates the fishermen who were among the first called by the Lord (indeed, Jesus was a sailor!). Visit for more details on his professional background.

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