The Father Hellnaw Sitcom is a comedy series about a middle-aged Catholic Priest who has recently become the Pastor of a Novus Ordo Parish in Fort Myers, Florida. The catechetical laughs are neverending with Father Hellnaw. Father Hellnaw and all associated characters are played by David L. Gray.
Father Hellnaw Shuts Down the Orans Posture | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Father Hellnaw Refuses Pope Francis' Gay Blessing | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Biggie Smalls and Tupac are in Hell? | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom Shorts
Father Hellnaw Exorcizes a Demon | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Catholic Answers Live: Father Hellnaw Answers Pachamama | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Father Hellnaw Teaches How to Receive Holy Communion | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Father Hellnaw Fires the Altar Girls | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Father Hellnaw Refuses to Start a Children's Liturgy | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Father Hellnaw Preaches on Clapping in the Catholic Mass | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
President Joe Biden Has His Confession Heard by Father Hellnaw | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Traditional Catholic Priest CANCELS the LGBT Outreach Ministry | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom
Traditional Catholic Priest Fr. Hellnaw FIRES All Eucharistic Ministers! | The Father Hellnaw Sitcom