‘The Index Against Freemasonry,’ by David L. Gray, is a catalog of the works against Freemasonry by Catholic Theologian, Historian, and Author David L. Gray – a Former Freemason of 10+ years (Cf: Masonic C.V.)
The Definitive Book on the Catholic Church’s Prohibition Against Freemasonry

The Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry / Saint Dominic’s Media / Amazon (Paper/Hard/Kindle)
SUMMARY: The Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry: A Theological and Historical Treatment on the Catholic Church’s Prohibition Against Freemasonry and its Appendant Masonic Bodies contextualizes the history and provides a theological analysis and commentary on the nine Papal documents, two Canon Laws, and two documents issued by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, which relate specifically to the Catholic Church’s dogmatic prohibition against Freemasonry.
SEE ALSO: The Compendium of the Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry, which is a very pocket-sized version of the same, but small enough and priced low enough to evangelize hand-to-hand with.
Course on the Catholic Church’s Prohibition Against Freemasonry
The Catholic Catechism (Teaching) on Freemasonry / Saint Dominic’s Media / UDemy
DESCRIPTION: These 16 Sessions of this course will cover the origins of Freemasonry, the philosophy and principles of Freemasonry in each of the three craft lodge degrees, Freemasonry as a religion, each of the papal and congregation of the doctrine of faith documents against Freemasonry within their historical context, perspective, continuity, and impact, and in the last session, I will place Freemasonry within the context of it belonging to the ongoing reordering of the world or the great reset.

Various Videos About Freemasonry
- Freemasonry Irreconcilable with Catholicism
- Confessions of a Former Freemason Turned Catholic Convert
- Stephen Hand Interviews David L. Gray (Catholic Convert from Agnosticism)
- Freemasonry is a Religion: Former Freemason Explains
- SPEECH: Freemasonry: the Cost of Speaking the Truth & the Cost of Silence
- Is a Grand Master of Freemasons also a Catholic?
- Which Catholic Popes were Freemasons
- Freemasons have Infested the Black Catholic Church
- The Truth about Freemasonry and the Carbonari – Alta Vendita
- Haitian Voodoo Freemasonry in Grenada Catholic Church
- INTERVIEW with William Hemsworth: What is Freemasonry and Can a Catholic be a Member?
- Masonic Connection to ‘Separation of Church and State’
- INTERVIEW on CDT: Why Can’t Catholics be Freemasons
- INTERVIEW on Patrick Coffin: Freemasonry and the Catholic Church
- How Do I Leave Freemasonry?
- The Big Lies of 1517, 1717, and 1917
- INTERVIEW on CDT: Pope Francis & Nancy Pelosi – Freemason Handshake?
- INTERVIEW on Glad Trad Podcast: From Freemason to Faith
- INTERVIEW with Bear Woznick: From Freemason to Catholic
- The 1892 Masonic Program Adopted by Today’s Genderless Movement
- INTERVIEW on Lepanto Institute: From Freemason to Catholic
- The Knights of Peter Claver are Infested with Freemasons
- What Catholics Get Wrong about Freemasonry (Response to Fr. Chris Alar)
- Review of Dr. Taylor Marshall’s Latest Infiltration Offering
- Is Pope Francis a Freemason (Examination of the 8 Proofs)
- My Thoughts on Masonic Deliverance Prayers
- Catholic Bishop Meets with the Freemasons
- INTERVIEW on The Prodigal Life: Freemasonry, The Religion of Blackness, and Catholic Freedom
- INTERVIEW on The Prodigal Life: Freemasonry Pt. 2: Dark History and Dangerous Secrets
- Greek Letter Fraternities Founded by Freemasons
- Freemasonry, SSPX in Schism, Knights of Columbus Infested with Freemasons, and Fatima w/ John Salza
- Trampling the Myth of the Papal Tiara of the Knight of Kadosh (30th Degree) of the AASR Southern Jurisdiction
- SPEECH: The Transmission of the Masonic Program ⛏️⚒⚒️
- Confessions of a Jason Tomero, a Former Freemason Turned Catholic Convert
- Masonic Deliverance Prayers May be Harmful to You
- Royce White UnEducates Jason Whitlock on Secret Societies
- INTERVIEW w/ Father Edward Looney: Why a Catholic Can’t Be a Free Mason and Other Questions about Freemasonry
- The New Mass: NOT the Liturgy of Freemasonry
- Freemasonry: Review of Voice of Reason’s Lecture
- Freemasons Taking Over the Knights of Peter Claver
- Exorcist Fr. Ripperger WRONG on Voting & Freemasonry
- Annibal Bugnini, Freemasonry & the New Mass
- Joe Bidens Learns the Secrets of Freemasonry
Essays on Various Subjects about Freemasonry
- On Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry in 1738
- Weninger, Haydn, Mozart, and the History of Austrian Catholic Freemasons
- An Introduction to the Religion, Philosophy, Rituals, and Plots of Freemasonry
- The Autosoteric Sacraments of Freemasonry
- The Historic and Present Danger of Prince Hall Freemasonry
- The United States of Freemasonry: 130 Years of Futility Against the Masonic Program
- The Masonic Infiltration of the Catholic Church
- MISSION IMPROBABLE: The Catholic Church’s Long Road to Uproot Filipino Freemasonry
- Joseph R. Biden Jr. Becomes a Freemason and is Excommunicated from the Catholic Church