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The Timeline of Francis Becoming the First Gay Pope

Back in 2013, I wrote the first of my four prophetic essays about how the Papacy of Francis would attempt to reform the Catholic Church through three personal ideologies of his that I called ‘windows’; those three being: (1) Rejectionism (2) Indifferentism, and (3) Inclusivism. Later, I would more succinctly teach on the second window of ‘Indifferentism,’ saying that Pope Francis has not come to change dogma (because he cannot) but, rather, has come to change Catholic culture.

What Francis is doing is creating a new Catholic culture that is the extreme opposite of Catholic culture that is rigid to tradition and hates indifferentism. The new Catholic culture under Francis is indifferent to Divine revelation. This new culture recognizes that the Church has taught Divine revelation, but the new culture does not believe it is bound by what God has revealed. Succinctly, the creed of new Catholic culture believes that the praxis of the faith (lex vivendi) is not related to the law of what is believed (lex credendi) and the law of what is prayed (lex orandi). This creed of the new Catholic culture is why the Reform of Francis is the most dangerous threat that the Catholic Church has ever faced. I also noted in my 2013 prophecy that we will survive this reform, but it will come at a great cost.

Pope Francis is to the Catholic Church what President Barack Obama was to the United States. Creating a culture that is indifferent to sexual morality is very important in efforts to destroy humanity. Barack Obama’s initiatives to normalize homosexuality were the turning point in opening countless numbers of Americans to demonic possession and oppression. The same is true of Pope Francis. His teaching that homosexuality is not really a big deal because people are born that way, and they just need to be accompanied in their sin is going to harm countless sins (those in the Church and those who now refuse to enter the Church because of her apparent moral bankruptcy) and put them on a path to Hell.

Below is a timeline of how Pope Francis has cemented his legacy as the first Gay Pope.

2010Argentina [source] [source]As the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who later became Pope Francis, proposed in a plenary assembly of the Argentine Bishops’ Conference to support the legality of civil unions of homosexual persons by the state. This was seen as a possible alternative to ‘marriage equality.’ Behind the scenes, Cardinal Bergoglio led the public charge against the measure and advocated for civil unions for gay couples.Even as Archbishop, Francis demonstrated a demonic acuteness to compromise Church teaching with the world. What does a Bishop have to gain by advancing public policy that undermines Christ and His Church?
July 29, 2013Vatican Press Conference aboard the papal plane while returning from his first World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. [source]Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli, during a press conference in 2013, asked Pope Francis how he might act as a confessor to a gay person. This was in the context of a discussion about the “gay lobby” among clergy in the Vatican. Pope Francis’s entire response was: “If a person is gay and seeks out the Lord and is willing, who am I to judge that person?”Elected on March 13, 2013, Pope Francis sets the tone for a Papacy that will reform the Catholic Culture to treat homosexuality as any other sinful inclination.
September 20, 2014Archdiocese of Chicago [source]Skittle Archbishop Blase Joseph Cupich. He was subsequently appointed to the Roman Curia’s Congregation for Bishops, which played a role in advising the Pope on episcopal matters, including appointments. Named to the College of Cardinals in 2016, Cupich was additionally appointed to the Congregation for Catholic Education.Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
February 14, 2015Wellington, New Zealand [source]Skittle Archbishop John Dew. On February 14, 2015, Pope Francis made Dew a member of the College of Cardinals with the title of Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Ippolito.Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
March 3, 2015San Diego [source]Skittle Bishop Robert W. McElroy. On March 3, 2015, Francis appointed McElroy the sixth Bishop of San Diego. On August 27, 2022, Pope Francis made him a Cardinal-Priest, assigning him the San Frumenzio ai Prati Fiscali title.   In America, McElroy called for a change in sacramental discipline related to the reception of communion by sexually active LGBT people. He emphasized “the privileged place” of conscience and that sexual activity does not lie at the heart of the hierarchy of truths. He also said: “The distinction between orientation and activity cannot be the principal focus for such a pastoral embrace because it inevitably suggests dividing the LGBT community into those who refrain from sexual activity and those who do not.”Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
September 24, 2015First State Visit to the United States [source]Pope Francis meets with Kim Davis, the Clerk of Court of Rowan County, Kentucky, who became nationally known in 2014 for defying a US Federal court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.   Pope Francis met with Kim Davis on September 24, 2015. However, he was reportedly angry about the event because of how it was perceived and used for political purposes.Throughout his papacy, Francis would meet with heretics, advocates of grave sin, and enemies of Christ and His Church. However, he never expressed anger about how those meetings were perceived and used for political purposes (e.g., Whoopie Goldberg, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, etc.).
November 6, 2015Belgium [source]Skittle Archbishop Jozef De Kesel. On November 6, 2015, Pope Francis named De Kesel to succeed André-Joseph Léonard as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium. Pope Francis made De Kesel a cardinal in the consistory of November 19, 2016. On December 23, 2017, Pope Francis appointed De Kesel a member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life. He was named a Pontifical Council for Culture member on November 11, 2019. In 2022, together with other bishops of Flanders, he published a formula for blessing same-sex couples, underlining that it is not to be understood as recognizing a different form of marriage.Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
October 27, 2015Bologna [source]Skittle Archbishop Matteo Zuppi. Appointed Archbishop of Bologna by Francis on October 27, 2015. On October 5, 2019, Pope Francis made him Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Egidio. He was made a member of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on February 21, 2020, and a member of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See on April 18, 2020.   In June 2022, Cardinal Zuppi was accused of hiding what critics called blessing a gay couple after their civil wedding. The editor of the Italian conservative Catholic online newspaper said the Archdiocese of Bologna made several false claims in a statement attempting to justify the ceremony. The “blessing” of Pietro Morotti and Giacomo Spagnoli took place in the presence of six priests at the Church of San Lorenzo di Budrio.  Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
October 2, 2016Flying back to Rome on October 2 after a visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan [source]During his trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan, he told priests and nuns that teaching gender theory in schools was part of a “global war” against marriage. He said the gender theory being taught in schools “is against natural things.”   “It is one thing for a person to have this tendency, this option, and even change sex,” he said. “But it is another thing to teach it, gender theory, in schools along these lines in order to change mentality. I call this ideological colonization.”One of several instances where Pope Francis implies that people are ‘born’ homosexual, while others have a choice. He believes that it is not the role of the Church to lead them to conversion, which may happen, but rather, we must merely accompany them to either Heaven or Hell.
October 9, 2016Archdiocese of Newark [source]Skittle Archbishop Joseph Tobin. On October 9, 2016, Pope Francis announced that Tobin would be made a cardinal. On November 7, 2016, Pope Francis named Tobin as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark. Pope Francis named Tobin a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture on November 11, 2019, a member of the Congregation for Bishops on March 4, 2021, and a member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura on June 21, 2021.Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
June 2018Synod on Youth, Working Document [source]The Preparatory Working Document for the Oct 3 – 28 Synod on Youth became the first official Church document to mention a distinct group of human beings called ‘LGBT.’   The second instance of the term “LGBT” being used in an official Church document was in the preparatory document for the Synod on Synodality, which was held in Rome in October 2023.There is no such thing as LGBT people. God created us as humans, and we will die as human beings. Our human nature is not a choice; our choices are distinct from our immortal soul and human nature. Therefore, for the Church to teach that there is such a thing as a people who are either defined by or ‘intrinsically of’ their choices, choices that are an offense to God, is contrary to Divine Revelation.
April 4, 2019Washington, District of Columbia [source]Skittle Archbishop Wilton Gregory. On April 4, 2019, Pope Francis named Gregory as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington. On October 25, 2020, Pope Francis announced he would raise Gregory to the rank of cardinal at the consistory of November 28, 2020. On December 16, 2020, he was named a member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life. In 2018, a group of Catholics started a petition urging Gregory to remove “pro-LGBT” Monsignor Henry Gracz of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta from his position as a spiritual advisor to victims of sexual abuse for allegedly contravening Church teaching. Gregory declined to do so, saying, “Msgr. Gracz is following the admonition of Pope Francis to accompany people on the periphery of society. His priestly heart is not closed to those who find themselves misunderstood or rejected.”Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
October 5, 2019Luxembourg [source]Skittle Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich. On October 5, 2019, Pope Francis made him Cardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto. He was made a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture on February 21, 2020, and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue on July 8, 2020. On March 7, 2023, Hollerich was appointed to the Council of Cardinal Advisors. In 2022, Hollerich said he considered the Church’s teaching that homosexual relationships are sinful to be wrong: “I believe that the sociological-scientific foundation of this teaching is no longer correct.”Papal Appointment of a Bishop with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
October 21, 2020Francesco filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky included footage of the Pope answering a question about the place of LGBT Catholics in the Church. [source]“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family,” the Pope said. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable because of it.”   “What we have to create is a civil union law,” he said. “That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”   In the documentary, Mr. Cruz says he has discussed his sexuality with the Pope, who told him, “God made you gay. God loves you like you are, and you have to love yourself.”One of several times where Pope Francis teaches that people are either born or created by God with same-sex attraction, and it is unnatural to ask that they be anything other than that. This is in opposition to Church teaching, which points to the origin of homosexual inclination as being ‘psychological.’
2021Personal Letter [source]In two letters to New Ways Ministry in 2021, Pope Francis commended the organization for its outreach to the LGBTQ community. He referred to one of its co-founders, Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick, as “a valiant woman” who had suffered much for her ministry.Writing that Gramick ‘suffered’ for her work was a spit of the face of Francis’ successor, Pope Benedict XVI, who in 1999 prohibited Gramick and her co-founder of New Ways Ministry, Fr. Robert Nugent, from any pastoral work with LGBTQ persons due to alleged “errors and ambiguities” in their work, while he was Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. New Ways Ministry believes people are born or created by God to have same-sex attraction and that homosexual acts are not intrinsically disordered.
March 15, 2021Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [source]The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith responded to a question about blessing same-sex unions. The response was negative, stating that the Church does not have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex. However, the document also emphasized the need to welcome and accompany homosexual persons.   This document also stated that it is “impossible” for God to “bless sin.” However, the CDF did note the existence of some “positive elements” in the non-sexual aspects of same-sex relationships. Pope Francis approved the response by the CDF, saying it was “not intended to be a form of unjust discrimination, but rather a reminder of the truth of the liturgical rite.”This was an important document that Pope Francis did not sign, as he would with a future one affirming the idea of blessing sin. Here, the groundwork was laid to distinguish between blessings associated with the sacraments versus pastoral sacramental blessings not associated with the sacraments.
January 24, 2023Exclusive interview with the Associated Press [source]In response to some African countries criminalizing homosexual activity, Pope Francis “Bantering with himself, articulates the position: “It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.” “It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another,” he added.More of Pope Francis affirming that homosexual actions are immoral, but not more immoral than other stuff. The seamless garment of sins.
January 30, 2023Pressed by Homosexual Advocate Reverend James Martin (Jesuit) to clarify his January 24 comments calling homosexual acts sinful.In his note, Francis reaffirmed that homosexuality “is not a crime,” and said he spoke out “in order to stress that criminalization is neither good nor just.” “When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin,” Francis wrote in Spanish, underlining the final phrase.The seamless garment of sins is in opposition to sacred Scripture, which lists four specific sins that “cry out to heaven” –  (Latin: peccata clamantia, lit. “screaming sins”). The “blood of Abel”: Willful murder, including homicide, infanticide, fratricide, patricide, and matricide. (Gn. 4:10)The “sin of the Sodomites”: Non-procreative sexual acts (sodomy). (Gn. 18:20-21)The “cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan”: Oppression of the poor. (Exo. 22:21-23)The “injustice to the wage earner”: Defrauding workers of their just wages. (James 5:4)
June 20, 2023Synod on Synodality Working Document [source]The Synod on Synodality was the second instance where the imaginary term “LGBT” was used in an official Church document. The working document for the Synod on Synodality, known by its Latin title “Instrumentum Laboris,” was published on June 20, 2023. This document called for discussion of various topics, including the inclusion of so-called LGBT Catholics. The first instance of the term “LGBT” being used in an official Church document was in the preparatory document for the Synod on Youth, which was held in Rome in October 2018.There is no such thing as LGBT people. God created us as humans, and we will die as human beings. Our human nature is not a choice; our choices are distinct from our immortal soul and human nature. Therefore, for the Church to teach that there is such a thing as a people who are either defined by or ‘intrinsically of’ their choices, choices that are an offense to God, is contrary to Divine Revelation.
August 5, 2023Meeting with 90 Jesuits in Lisbon, Portugal [source]Pope Francis continues his dialogue on the seamless garment of sins, saying, “What I don’t like at all,” he said, is that “we look at the so-called ‘sin of the flesh’ with a magnifying glass” and tend to ignore other sins. “If you exploited workers, if you lied or cheated, it didn’t matter, and instead (only) sins below the waist are relevant.”Francis believes we overemphasize sins related to the sixth commandment against adultery, as if the Decalogue is not ordered according to the gravity of sins. Let us forget about the sixth commandment and focus on not polluting as much, muses the Pope of Liberal Political Action.
September 21, 2023Vatican [source]The more conservative-leaning United States Conference of Catholic Bishops appointed five leading Bishops (Broglio, Dolan, Barron, Flores, and Rhoades), whom they believed best represent and advocate for the concerns of Catholics in the United States. In response, Pope Francis countered this respectable entourage with a cadre of five advocates of the heresy of homosexualism (the belief that homosexual acts are not intrinsically disordered and that God creates people with same-sex attraction) (Cupich, Gregory, McElroy, O’Malley, Etienne, Martin S.J.)Pope Francis has a long history of treating traditional and conservative Catholics in the United States as his enemies. This action to undermine the USCCB was just another bullet fired in his petty and tyrannical war.
October 2023Personal Letter [source]Stan “JR” Zerkowski, leader of the Skittle Outreach Commission for the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, wrote Pope Francis taking him for opening the doors to Skittle Ministry and about his hopes for the Synod on Synodality. In response, Pope Francis wrote him a handwritten letter saying, “Dear brother, thank you very much for your email. Thank you for your ministry. I pray for you, please continue to do so for me. May the Lord bless you and the Madonna watch over you.”We are still waiting for Pope Francis to write a warm and encouraging handwritten letter to a Catholic Dad who saved his family by leaving a broken Novus Ordo Church for traditional liturgy or to a Catholic family whose marriage and family were saved by homeschooling their children.
October 2, 2023Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith [source]In a private response that was made public after the ‘dubia letter’ from five cardinals was made public, Pope Francis and DDF Prefect Fernandez stated that the Catholic Church should discern if there are ways of giving blessings to homosexual persons that do not alter the Church’s teaching on marriage. He emphasized that while marriage is an “exclusive, stable and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to conceiving children,” pastoral charity also requires kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness, and encouragement.Again, this was the second effort from what began in 2021 to find a way to affirm what had been going on around the world for decades, with Catholic priests blessing sodomite couples.
November 2, 2023Interview with Italian state television RAI [source]Asked about the synod assembly’s discussion of homosexuality, Pope Francis said: “When I say ‘everyone, everyone, everyone,’ [I’m speaking about] people. The Church receives people. Everyone. And it does not ask how you are. Then, inside, everyone grows, but from a Christian belonging.”   “It’s true that today it’s a bit ‘fashionable’ to talk about [homosexuality],” he continued. “The Church receives everyone.Francis fails to acknowledge that he is the reason why it has become ‘fashionable’ in the Catholic Church to talk about homosexuality. The normalization and welcoming of attempts to undermine the Church’s teaching that homosexual acts are ‘intrinsically disordered’ was never a fashionable conversation under any other papacy but this one. Why?
December 18, 2023Fiducia Supplicans [source]In the Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings), Pope Francis formally approved allowing priests to bless same-sex couples. A new document explained this radical change in Vatican policy by insisting that people seeking God’s love and mercy should not be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it.The plot to change the Catholic culture to be indifferent to homosexuality being intrinsically disordered was completed by the First Gay Pope or the First Pope Possessed by a Demon.
October 6, 2024Vatican
{source} {source}
During this Sunday Angelus on October 6, 2024, Pope Francis announced that he would create Timothy Radcliffe a cardinal. The consistory for the creation of new cardinals is scheduled for December 7, 2024.

Timothy Radcliffe has made several notable statements advocating for the inclusion and acceptance of LGBTQ individuals within the Catholic Church. Here are a few key examples:
Synodal Path with Gay Catholics: In a reflection published in L’Osservatore Romano, Radcliffe emphasized that same-sex desires are “God-given” and should be “educated” rather than denied. He praised “mature gay Catholics” in committed relationships and highlighted that Church teaching is evolving to see gay people as “brothers and sisters” who can be blessed.1

Eucharistic Relationships: In the Anglican Pilling Report of 2013, Radcliffe argued that the Church should not start with whether same-sex relationships are permitted or forbidden but rather ask what they mean and how they can be eucharistic.2

Foreword for ‘Via Crucis di un Ragazzo Gay’: Radcliffe wrote a foreword for the English translation of this book, which follows the sufferings of a young gay person as he walks the way of the Cross. Radcliffe described this as part of a profound conversion within the Church, reaching out to marginalized individuals and affirming that “this is your home. We are incomplete without you.”3
Creation of a Cardinal with either publicly known Homosexual Tendencies or a Substantial History of so-called ‘LGBT (Skittle)’ Advocacy.
December 7, 2024Vatican
The Vatican has confirmed that so-called LGBT Catholic pilgrims will be recognized with a dedicated day on September 6 during the upcoming Jubilee Holy Year, as reported by Il Messaggero. On this day, the Church’s LGBT+ community is invited to the Jesuit mother church, the Church of the Gesù, located in the heart of Rome.The so-called LBGT people are the only group of people who are identified by their inclination to sexual sins who Pope Francis has invited to make a pilgrimage to the Vatican.


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